
Employee Awareness Critical to Work Life Balance Success

Employee’s awareness of your organisation’s work life balance options is one of the key elements of a successful work life balance strategy and program.

Organisations may offer leading edge initiatives that support an individual’s quest to live a balanced life, however without “bums on seats” through communication, education and promotion of such options, even the best program may not even get off the ground.

It is critical to consider the communication strategy when implementing such programs.  Not only is this an important feature to attract talent in your recruitment offer, it is just as essential to ensure that the existing staff are also kept informed of your work life balance offer.

When should you involve or communicate with your staff?

  • Initial consultation & buy-in of new options
  • Official launch of programs/events/other offers
  • Updates or changes made to options
  • Regular reminders promoting what’s available
  • Feedback/evaluation upon participation and periodic reviews of your organisation’s work life balance offer

An effectively planned and executed promotional strategy will result in several benefits.  Regular communication will reinforce to your current and potential workforce that you are a committed work life balance employer.

Promotional activities will also increase the awareness of your work life balance program and boost participation levels amongst your workforce.

Finally, by having open communication channels this will also assist in the gathering of feedback, which will enhance your organisation’s ability to respond to your changing workforce needs and improve your work life balance program.

It is important to assess your employee’s awareness and a free survey is available to do just that.

The Better Work Life Balance survey helps organisations to engage their staff to gain an understanding of their employee’s work life balance awareness.

Several state governments have promoted this free tool, in which you can access via the following link – http://www.commerce.wa.gov.au/labourrelations/Content/Work%20Life%20Balance/Resources/Better_Work_Life_Balance_Surve.html.

We hope you take some time to evaluate your employee’s awareness and build comprehensive promotional strategies to ensure the success of your organisation’s flexible arrangements.

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