Work Life Balance Program


Promote Your Work Life Balance Arrangements!

So you’ve identified the importance and benefits of supporting your staff to achieve work life balance, so how about promoting them?!?!

Unfortunately I see so many organisations miss great opportunities to capitalise on their work life balance commitment to attract and retain talent. Watch our latest video for suggestions on promoting your work life balance offer to ensure that you communicate pre, during and post employment.

Promote Your Work Life Balance Arrangements! Read More »


Employers: Looking for an Employee Assistance Program (EAP)? Some Things to Consider…

Employers interested in implementing or looking to review their Employee Assistance Program (EAP), should consider a number of factors to select the best provider for their organisation. An Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is an independent and confidential counselling service for individuals to help them through any issues that they face in their life that they need some external support.

Employers: Looking for an Employee Assistance Program (EAP)? Some Things to Consider… Read More »


How Successful is your Work Life Balance Program?

Employers who implement a work life balance program may be unclear whether they are successful or not. Success can be measured in a variety of ways and it is important to determine your success measures early on, preferably pre-implementation, so that you are aware of what you are trying to achieve and monitor how you are going throughout the program.

How Successful is your Work Life Balance Program? Read More »

Employee Assistance Program EAP Common User Questions

Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Common User Questions

An Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a confidential counselling service that is offered to staff members of an organisation. This is a worthwhile initiative to assist with issues that individuals may face in their life where they may require some external assistance. EAPs also remove the financial burden and hassle trying to locate such services for themselves. Here are some common user questions that arise when employees consider accessing their EAP.

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Health, Wellbeing & Other Work Life Balance Employer Ideas

Employers can offer a range of extra products or services to assist their staff to achieve work life balance. Organisations may offer flexible working arrangements and additional leave entitlements, however health, wellbeing and other work life balance extras can provide the extra support needed to play an even bigger role in fostering happy and healthy staff.

Health, Wellbeing & Other Work Life Balance Employer Ideas Read More »

Improve Your Work Life Balance Culture

Improve Your Work Life Balance Culture – Tips from Australia’s Leading Work Life Balance Employers

Want to improve your organisation’s work life balance success? This presentation brings together key themes evident in creating a successful work life balance culture, as demonstrated by Australia’s leading work life balance employers. We share this information as we believe by creating work life balance together, that both organisations and employees can achieve significant benefits.

Improve Your Work Life Balance Culture – Tips from Australia’s Leading Work Life Balance Employers Read More »


Employee Awareness Critical to Work Life Balance Success

Employee’s awareness of your organisation’s work life balance options is one of the key elements of a successful work life balance strategy and program. Organisations may offer leading edge initiatives that support an individual’s quest to live a balanced life, however without “bums on seats” through communication, education and promotion of such options, even the best program may not even get off the ground.

Employee Awareness Critical to Work Life Balance Success Read More »

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