No Longer Pursuing Interests That Make You Happy?

I think at different points in our lives, life can get a bit out of control and all of a sudden, you’re working more than 50+ hours per week and no longer pursuing the interests that make you happy.

Common reasons for this, is lack of time and energy and unless you dramatically change your working arrangements (as outlined in a previous post) there are a few other suggestions we can make to help you start feeling fulfilled by following your interests again.

I remember only two years ago, I turned into the adult worker that I always swore as an active teenager I wouldn’t – one that was too tired at the end of the day to do any exercise….

I was very annoyed at myself (to say the least!) as having been a very active person all of my life, this was definitely not what I was committed too.

Now I exercise twice a week, a major improvement on doing nothing two years ago.

It was VERY hard to get started and for anyone who is looking to take up interests again or for the first time that make you happy, I offer the following tips to help you to make it happen:

    • Schedule time in your diary – block out a time once a week to start in your diary at a time that you know will work best.  Give yourself every chance of success that you will do it.  For example, don’t plan something on a Monday evening if you are generally exhausted after having meetings all day, if Tuesday you generally feel more energised.
    • Make a commitment – sign up for something or meet someone to do it, that way there is a commitment to help bring you into action.
    • Start with something fun – plan fun activities in line with what you’re wanting to achieve that won’t feel like such a chore.  For example, if you’re goal is to get fit and you have signed up for many gyms before and have never attended, perhaps try playing a team sport so that you are getting fitness, it’s social and perhaps you’ll have some fun in the process.  This may be good way to ease into a fitness program.
    • Increase the frequency – after you start getting into a routine with one event per week, you may want to then increase more sessions.  Sometimes, when we have a goal we throw everything we have at it, then after a few weeks, we’re exhausted and can’t justify the commitment any longer.  A suggestion here is to start by increasing your engagement in your interests at your own pace, that way you can start creating a positive routine that you will not later resent.


Best wishes pursuing your interests.  Remember what you felt like after you used to pursue these interests?  Hopefully that will drive you to start taking steps today to get these back in your life!

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